Sunday, March 30, 2014

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Writing in public while slightly intoxicated is fun!
     But please dont come again another day!  I had some drama this week with a leak I have in my ceiling.  The worst drips happen to be over my desk where I write.  I had taped up some paper towels to try to keep myself and my new computer safe but this week the ceiling drips got me.  I was working on editing a video and then three tablespoons of water landed on my keyboard.  I screamed and turned of it off and threw it on my bed.  Such panic!  It had been days since my last back up of my book.  Not smart.  I was so upset I left in a huff and went to the pub down the street.  I spent the rest of the evening drinking hard cider and attempting to write.  It was mostly outlines, helpful but not what I wanted to be doing.  This happened Tuesday and I waited till Friday to turn it back on.  Thank goodness it turned back on with no problems!  To say this week was a fail is true.  I got some of my goals done, but not many.  Well at least maybe when the next round starts I will be in working order...

My Goals for the Week
  • Review my first quarter goals, nope
  • Write second quarter goals, nope
  • Continue to work on my outline  still more work to do
  • Finish character interviews, nope
  • Finish setting layout, nope
  • Finish plot outline, nope
  • Read 3 stories from Twelve Tomorrows, even if you dont like them...  I read one!
  • Read 5 blog posts by other people, I read two!
  • 3 writers meetings  I think we ended with four
  • 5 comments on others blogs, two
  • instagram daily, and then some!  I started #100happydays  quite entertaining.  
How was your week?

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Beautiful Days on the Way

      The sunshine we have had lately has been inspiring and distracting.  It makes me want to do more, work and play.  I keep looking out the window to see if it is still blue sky.  My cat is also enjoying sitting in the window more.  Cute but distracting.  A friend asked if I like to write outside when it was nice, I said NO!  I am easily distracted as it is.  I get many good ideas daydreaming out in the sun, but actual writing is out of the question.  My thought process becomes; I like working outside, look at the clouds, pretty, oh a bug, hello little bug, the grass is so green here and not so much there, oh SQUIRREL!  Not productive.  Maybe someday I will be able to focus outside...  I doubt it.  

I am way behind for the A Round the Words in 80 Days or very early.  I have been lurking around the linky parties for months.  It made me start this blog but I lack the courage to post much or ekkk comment.  The sunshine has convinced me to change this.

My Goals for the Week
  • Review my first quarter goals 
  • Write second quarter goals
  • Continue to work on my outline
  • Finish character interviews
  • Finish setting layout
  • Finish plot outline
  • Read 3 stories from Twelve Tomorrows, even if you dont like them...
  • Read 5 blog posts by other people
  • 3 writers meetings
  • 5 comments on others blogs
  • instagram daily
Better late than never.  Maybe we will just call it a head start!  

Thursday, February 27, 2014

A Kiss

It had been many moons since they last saw each other.  So long in fact that many images had faded.  The last touch a distant memory.  A memory that was held fast.  How her hand felt soft, how his was rough with work.  Her eyes were glossy with the idea of tears, but how she fought them.  How if she had cried he would have wiped her eyes.  He held her face and wanted to soak up every piece of her.  He wanted to breath her in and keep her essence with him on his long trip.  The idea that their paths would never cross again was crushing.  She was paralyzed in the moment.  That this could be the last.  He kissed her forehead and cheeks and chin and finally her mouth.  Not in a lustful way, in an almost melancholy way.  This broke her heart more.  She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him hard.  Like it wasnt the last, but needed to be savored.  He pulled her arms from him and kissed her hands multiple times, looked her in the eye and asked for a smile.  She did her best to give him her best smile, but it was crooked with the fight of tears.  This made leaving her much harder for him.  He kissed her mouth again and left through the door and into the darkness.  She lost the fight with the tears.  They flowed out of her in rivers, but she did not sob.  She stood there quietly in the almost dark and let them fall.  She would allow herself to be lost in these feelings for only a few moments and then there was work to do.  He had to lean on the door once he was on the other side of it.  Take a moment to gather himself.  He clenched his fists and leaned his forehead on the door.  They had to win.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How I write

      I love lists.  I love making plans.  Plotting.  Scheming.  When it comes to writing my books I have a hard time doing these things.  I just recently wrote out a real outline for all the books!  I have been working on these for years...  Like since 2006...  Granted lots has changed since then.  It wasnt until recently that I put any real work into the stories.  I was petty good at writing one scene every month, but that isnt very helpful in finishing.  About 8 months ago I started writing down any ideas I had.  Even if had nothing to do with any character or place.  I knew at some point I might need it.  I now have hundreds of ideas!  I use them to do free writes.  Does it have much to do with the story on a whole, no but it gets me thinking.  That is enough.  I have had my best ideas during a free write.  Most of the time it has nothing to do with what I am even working on!  As you might of guessed I am not working in order.  At this point it is more important for me to get to know this world and these characters.  Character development has been very important.  Three of the five main characters jumped out at me pretty quickly and the last two are pretty shy, but we are getting there.

This week:  1,228 of 5,000
Words:  18,742 of 2,812,500

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


There are many strange beings in the Land of Fayd.  Some seem quite ordinary and others seem quite extraordinary.  Someone whom seems simple might surprise you.  There is also good and evil in each.  A creature may seem evil but in all fairness is quite good.